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content before Best Buy may be giving a glimpse into how many retailers will reopen their stores post the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. Or more precisely, how retailers should reopen their stores — with 100% focus on crowd control, social distancing and cleanliness.
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Rich distribution of aldolase particles. Particles are easily visible and are clearly separated.
Rich distribution of aldolase particles. Presence of minor contaminants is tolerable.
Aldolase particles are difficult to identify due to thick ice
Particles are overcrowded and their individual boundaries are difficult to discern.
Field of view is covered with an even distribution of Cdc48 particles. A few contaminating gold particles from the gold grid are a minor concern and do not adversely affect the overall quality of the image.
Cdc48 is barely visible. Low contrast may be due to thick ice or because the image was recorded at low defocus.
A crack within the vitrified hole causes the entire exposed area to move drastically during image acquisition.
A crack within the vitrified hole causes significant movement among the particles within the lower half of the image.
Monodisperse distribution of particles. Some contaminating particles are evident due to size differences, but these will be rejected during downstream image processing.
Crystalline ice is evident by clusters of light and dark reflections within the image. These types of images are not suitable for downstream processing. A zoomed-in view of the dashed box is included in the next image.
Zoomed-in view of crystalline ice. Notice the fine crystalline lattices throughout the image.
Crystalline ice is evident by clusters of light and dark patches within the image.
At higher defocus, specks of dissociated or contaminant proteins are observed throughout the field of view.
The power spectrum of the previous image reveals diagnostic crystalline ice diffraction rings.
Crystalline ice is evident by clusters of light and dark patches within the image.
Field of view is covered with an even distribution of chaperone complexes.
A crack within the ice causes signification movement and blurring.
Field of view is covered with an even distribution of chaperone complexes.
Look closely at the cluster of light and dark patches. You should see fine lattice lines that indicate crystalline ice. A zoomed-in view of the dashed box is included in the next image.
Zoomed-in view of the previous image. Notice the fine crystalline lattices throughout the image. Check the following power spectrum to confirm the presence of crystalline ice.
Although some chaperone complex particles are present, most of the image contains dissociated protein particles and clusters of aggregates.
Although some chaperone complex particles are present, most of the image contains dissociated protein particles and clusters of aggregates.
Although some chaperone complex particles are present, most of the image contains dissociated protein particles and clusters of aggregates.
Rich distribution of a C-shaped E3 ubiquitin ligase.
Rich distribution of a C-shaped E3 ubiquitin ligase.
Rich distribution of a C-shaped E3 ubiquitin ligase. Hole edge is captured at the bottom left of the image.
Monodisperse particles are barely visible. A few clusters of aggregates are scattered throughout the image.
The ice becomes too thin to support the particle towards the lower half of the image. Notice the gradient of ice thickness from thick (dark) to thin (light). Protein denaturation is observed at the transition from thick to thin ice.
The ice becomes too thin to support the particle towards the lower half of the image. Notice the gradient of ice thickness from thick (dark) to thin (light). Protein denaturation is observed at the transition from thick to thin ice. The hole edge is captured at the top of the image.
The ice becomes too thin to support the particle towards the left half of the image. Notice the gradient of ice thickness from thick (dark) to thin (light). Protein denaturation is observed at the transition from thick to thin ice.
In this rather dramatic example, the thin ice is ruptured upon electron exposure.
Monodisperse distribution of PDE6 particles.
Image credit: Image credit: Gulati et al., Sci Adv. 2019 (EMPIAR-10228)
A cluster of clumped up PDE6 particles. Image credit: Gulati et al., Sci Adv. 2019 (EMPIAR-10228)
Vitreous ice may transition into spot-like patches referred to as “leopard” ice. Image credit: Gulati et al., Sci Adv. 2019 (EMPIAR-10228)
Particles are difficult to identify due to thick ice or low defocus. Image credit: Gulati et al., Sci Adv. 2019 (EMPIAR-10228)
Field of view is saturated with monodisperse RNA polymerase particles.
Field of view is saturated with monodisperse RNA polymerase particles.
Large clusters of protein aggregates obscure the image.
Particles are hard to see due to thick ice.
Particles are hard to see due to thick ice.
Field of view is saturated with monodisperse ribosome particles.
Some particle boundaries are difficult to delineate. This sample should probably be diluted just a bit.
Almost half of the image is void of particles. This sample needs to be concentrated.
Relatively few particles in the image. Collecting data on such grids would be a poor use of resources.
High levels of contamination obscure the particles of interest.
Ribosomes are clumped together. These particles would not be suitable for 3D reconstruction.
High levels of contamination dominate this image. Particles also appear to be clumping together.
Particles are hard to see because the image was recorded close to focus. During grid screening, it is advised to use higher defocus settings in order to boost contrast.
Particles appear to be stuck together. Boundaries of individual particles are difficult to delineate.
High levels of contamination and protein aggregation indicate that sample and grid optimization are needed.
The power spectrum of the image reveals diagnostic crystalline ice diffraction rings.
Power spectrum of the previous image clearly shows diagnostic diffraction patterns of crystalline ice.
content after…. Best Buy may be giving a glimpse into how many retailers will reopen their stores post the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. Or more precisely, how retailers should reopen their stores — with 100% focus on crowd control, social distancing and cleanliness.